5 People We Need In Our Life


5 People We Need In Our Life

1. Coach - Another word that I like to use for this is a mentor. There is a need for for a good coach in our life, someone who can clearly define the goals and then give us the game plan to attain those goals. A good coach will make you feel that you can win even when the odds are stacked against you. 

2.  Cheerleader- The cheerleader is the constant voice of encouragement from the sideline. They enthusiastically vocalize their support with no regard to the score. 

3.  Contractor - The contractor is the one who has the ability to build something that can be useful and will be lasting. 

4.  Commander - The commander is the one who steps up in the time of crisis and takes control of a situation.  While others are losing heart the commander leads them through to victory.

5.  Confidant - The confidant is a person with whom one shares a private matter, trusting that they will not share it.  Sometimes it is not what we say, its what we don't say.

Posted on January 26, 2013 .